Julia Tape #2

Julia explains to Carly that went to Mike to get some facts straight on who Carly really is. Julia tells her that she knows she slept with Mike the night before she married Jack. "Between your enemies and newspaper archives,  I have enough material to make a mini-series" Julia warns Carly. Hearing Julia and Carly arguing, Mike opens his front door and Carly asks him if he told Julia she seduced him. Mike explains that he told Julia the whole truth. Jack calls and inquires about where Julia is. She tells him she went to get some truth from someone and Jack hears Carly in the background. Jack asks Julia where she is and tells her to stay put, he is on his way.  Julia and Carly start arguing to the point that Carly attacks her just as Jack shows up. Jack yells at Carly that he warned her to stay away from his wife. Jack and Julia return to the motel and Julia tells Jack all about Carly's past and Jack seems more confused than ever and tells Julia he thinks the feeling he had when Carly popped into his head when he saw the compass was fear, not love. Julia vows to protect him from Carly or anyone else. Carly seeks legal advice  from Jessica on how to keep Julia away from Jack and Jessica tells her she could petition the court to become Jack's legal guardian. Carly says that is what she wants to do and okay's Jessica to start the paperwork.
(unfortunately the taping from Monday 10/25 is really bad because I lost my cable connection. You can still see the scenes, but not clearly. I apologize and will try to replace these scenes if I can get my hands on a clearer taping) Jessica arrives at Carly's with the news that she has filed the papers and they have a hearing. Back at the hotel in Oakdale, Jack is served papers to appear in court for a competence hearing. When Julia asks who's, he tells her it's his and expresses his disgust and disbelief he ever loved "that woman" At the courthouse, Jessica has to warn Carly not to show her personal feelings in court but Carly is unable to keep her composure. Carly is surprised when Jack shows up with Julia. Carly shows him the photo album she brought but he tells her the man in the pictures is dead and apologizes for blurting it out that way. Carly has more outbursts in court and and the judge warns her that she is close to being banned from the hearing. Jack and Julia, on the other hand remain calm. Jessica presents Jack and Julia's "fake" marriage license and the judge rules that the marriage is not legal. Carly spews at Julia that she hopes she had "fun playing house" but that is over. Jack objects as Carly tells the judge how he didn't receive the proper medical care at St. Genevieves Hospital and how Julia took advantage of that. Several witnesses are called to testify including Hal, Jack's best friend, Gretta Williams, the social worker, and Ben, the doctor Jessica consulted about Jack's condition ( who is also Jessica's husband!!!) Carly and Julia begin arguing again and the judge warns them that they are on the midst of being thrown out of the hearing. The judge rules in Carly's favor and awards her guardianship over Jack for 30 days. Jack objects, saying he won't go, but the judge reminds him that dis-obeying a court order will result in a warrant and his arrest. Carly asks that Hal go with her to pick up Jack and the judge agrees. At the motel, Jack and Julia explain why Jack has to leave and JJ agrees to take care of Julia. Carly and Hal show up and as Jack leaves JJ begs him not to go and to come back. Julia explains that it is not Carly's fault that this is happening and that Carly is only doing this because she loves Jack too. Jack is upset as Carly tries to settle him back at home. He tells that as much as she wants everything to go back to normal and for Jack to leave Julia and JJ behind, that isn't going to happen and as hard as she tries to make him remember his love for her, he still has love for Julia. JJ asks Julia again why Jack had to leave and tells his mom that he knows Jack won't come back. " Because that's what Dads do, they leave and never come back," he tells her. Julia goes to Carly's but Holden stops her before she can knock on the door. Holden tells Julia to let Jack and Carly have some time and Julia explains what happened with JJ back at the motel. Holden seems to understand somewhat but tells Julia that the best thing for her and JJ is to go back to Missouri. Julia tells Holden that Missouri is no longer her home and that her home is where Jack is. Later she asks Lisa for a job and tells her she plans to stay and fight for Jack. Julia is surprised when she finds Jack in a room that she is bringing towels to. Jack is happy to see Julia and they fool around a little bit. Jack tells Julia the nurse's costume is sexy and Julia jumps up and explains that it isn't a costume, that it's her job. When Jack offers her money, Julia objects saying she doesn't want any of Carly's money. Julia leaves and goes back to work. Carly arrives at Jack's hospital room but Holden stops her from opening the door. He explains that Jack is in the room with Julia and that Carly needs to give them some private time in order for Jack to not be so hostile towards her. Carly objects and opens the door anyway to see Jack and Julia kissing. Carly runs out and Jack looks worried he upset her and explains to Julia that he feels sad. Jack tells Julia that he needs to fight Carly with a front and that he's going to get a lawyer. Julia is excited and hugs him. Jack receives a clean bill of health from Ben, assuring that there is no brain damage that is keeping Jack from remembering. Carly takes Jack home and leaves a note for Julia that Jack is with her. Julia goes to Jack's room and finds Carly's note. Just as Carly and Jack are about to kiss, Parker calls out for help and the phone rings. Jack goes up to put Parker to bed and Carly answers the phone. Julia asks to speak to Jack but Carly informs her that Jack can't come to the phone because it's late and he's putting Parker down. Carly hangs up on Julia. Julia goes to the chapel and sees Holden praying. She tells him she's heard about Aaron and that she would like to sit with him and say a prayer. Holden tells Julia he feels guilty for not being there for his son. Julia assures Holden that Aaron is not in surgery because he wasn't there for him and goes on to tell him a story about when JJ was hit by a car. Julia tells Holden that in order to be a good parent, she had to forgive herself for JJ getting hurt and that's exactly what he needs to do. Holden says that he hopes he gets the chance. Lily comes in and Julia leaves. Julia shows up at Carly's and asks to see Jack. Carly tries to shut the door on Julia but Julia sticks her foot in and tells Carly she needs to see Jack... NOW! Jack is surprised to see Julia and Julia shoves her way in and tells Jack about Aaron and that Holden needs him. Jack wants to go to the hospital and Carly says she'll take him. Julia asks about the kids and Carly says she can get a babysitter but Julia offers to take Jack back to the hospital with her and Carly can meet up with them. "Didn't mean to intrude," Julia tells Carly sarcastically as they leave. At the hospital Julia takes Jack to the Chapel where Holden is. Holden thanks her for bringing Jack and Julia tells hi she's been a nurse a long time and knows that when someone you love is in surgery, it helps to have people you care about around. Julia leaves Holden and Jack alone and Lily stops her in the hall and introduces herself as Holden's wife. Lily thanks Julia for all her help. Jack tells Julia how much appreciates telling him that Holden needed him. Jack tells her she has another fan in Oakdale, Holden. Carly shows up as they are kissing and Julia leaves to talk to her supervisor. Jack and Julia sit outside on her break. As they talk about St.Genevieves, someone is watching them through binoculars. Julia takes JJ to school who objects to starting a new school. Julia tells JJ that there are more boys in his class than girls. "Daddy," JJ shouts when he sees Jack, but Les is hiding around the corning watching them. Jack gives JJ a present for the first day of school and JJ  is excited to go to school. Carly shows up with Parker. When JJ comes back to look for stickers he left behind he yells at Carly. Les comes out from hiding and Carly and Les have a short conversation about how difficult children can be.Carly makes a snide comment about JJ's mother and Les confides that he too, has problems with Julia and introduces himself as Julia's ex-husband. Les tells Carly about how Julia broke the custody agreement and took off with JJ and her new husband. Les goes further to say he probably won't get to be in JJ's life because Julia's new husband could stop him. Carly informs Les about how Julia isn't married to Jack, because he is already married... to her. Les asks for Carly's help to get JJ and Julia alone and at first she objects, saying that there is no way to know who he really is and that she doesn't want to get involved. Les shows her a picture of him with Julia and JJ and tells her Julia crumpled it up, but really Les did it. After seeing Les get emotional, Carly agrees to keep Jack occupied while Les talks to Julia. Carly shows up at the hospital and tells Jack there is somewhere she wants to take him. At the same time, Les grabs a hold of JJ and Julia begs him to let him go. Carly tells Jack about the compass and Jack sees the picture of Carly and himself making love. Julia pleads with Les to let JJ go and they can talk. Jack tells Carly he has to go because although at the time he and Carly made love, it was right, he has feelings for Julia now and the memories feel wrong now. Les tells Julia to say goodbye to JJ. " Listen... Champ," she tells him. Champ being a code word to hit hard and runs fast. When Julia screams now, JJ hits Les in the groin and runs. Les tells Julia that was a big mistake and starts hitting her. Julia is down on the ground as Les is kicking her in the ribs. JJ runs to the hospital screaming for Jack and Holden stops him and asks what's wrong. JJ tells Holden about his dad having his mom and explains he is hurting her ( good acting kid!!!!) Les is choking Julia and she tells him if he kills her he will go to jail. Holden grabs Les and pulls him off Julia. Les runs off and Holden holds Julia as she collapses. She asks Holden to call Jack, who has just finished a lingering kiss with Carly and is about to kiss her again but his phone rings. Holden tells Jack Julia was attacked by her ex-husband and that he is going to take her to the hospital. Jack tells Carly Les uses Julia as a punching bag and that he needs to go and Carly looks regretful she has helped Les. At the hospital, Jack thanks Holden for helping Julia.Carly tries to tell Jack she knew Les was going to talk to Julia but Jack is pre-occupied. Margo brings Les to the hospital in handcuffs and needs a positive ID from Julia. When Les lets it slip he knew Jack was with his real wife, Jack turns to Carly for answers. "Carly. Carly helped him," Julia comes out from her exam curtain and Jack shoots a horrid look at Carly. Carly defends herself saying she couldn't have known that Les was abusive. She saw a custody agreement and thought that Julia had taken JJ from Les for no reason. Jack tells Carly he is going to be moving out of her house. When Carly brings up the court order, Jack tells her to call the cops because he would rather be in jail than near her. Carly pleads that not even an hour ago, they were close as ever. Jacks acts as though he is going in for a kiss. "Is this close enough? Can you feel something now? Because I can... and it's not good. I'm going to check on my son. Be gone by the time I get back or I swear I'll throw you out myself," he tells her and walks away. Carly start to sob. Lisa brings Julia some magazines and asks how things are going between her and Jack. Julia assures Lisa that Jack wants her, not Carly. Carly shows up to talk to Julia and Jack but Julia tells Carly that Jack took JJ to a movie. Carly asks how JJ is and Julia tells Carly that JJ has had nightmares about Les coming and hurting Julia and taking JJ away and that now the nightmare has come true. Julia tells Carly that she has crossed the line by putting JJ in danger. Julia tells Carly she can get all the court orders she wants, but it's over. Carly warns that it isn't over and tells her about Parker's nightmares. Carly tells Julia that when Jack had gotten the call that she had been attacked, that he had remembered something at the boathouse. Julia tells Carly that Jack will follow his heart and that it is with her and not Carly. Carly tells Julia that she has done more damage to Jack and to JJ by giving him false hope about being a family because Jack will remember and when he does he will want to be with Carly.Julia tells Carly to leave.Jack and Julia show up on Carly's porch and Julia tries to back out of going in. Jack tells Julia that everything will be better once Carly sign the divorce papers in his hand and they can get married. Jack knocks on the door and Carly answers. jack tells her that they would like to talk to her and she lets them in saying now is not a good time because her sister is getting married. Jack hands Carly the papers, who is angry that he would have the nerve to give them to her. Jack tells her she promised him a divorce and Carly says that she did, after 30 days. " They aren't up," she shouts and Jack tells her that there really isn't any reason to wait. Julia accuses Carly of holding onto Jack, not caring about what he wants. Carly tells Jack he can leave the papers and she'll look at them. Jack begs Carly to just sign the papers and get it over with but she refuses. Carly throws them out and tosses the papers out the door. On the porch Julia tells Jack that she knew it was a bad idea to go there and that no one in town likes her. Jack tells Julia it doesn't matter what they want or like because he wants to be with her. Jack tells her that Emma invited him to Thanksgiving dinner and left it up to him to bring Julia or not because Carly will be there. Julia tries to feel sorry for herself because she wasn't invited but Jack tells her that they are going to the farm to announce that they will be together at Thanksgiving Dinner and that they are getting married. Jack walks into the Snyder barn and seeing Rosanna and Paul getting married, he has a flash of when Carly and Jack got married in Montana. Jack hurries out of the barn but is stopped by Carly. "You saw it too, didn't you," she asks him, talking about their wedding. Everyone comes out of the barn and Jack introduces Emma to Julia. Jack and Julia leave and Carly tells Emily and Rosanna that for one split second he was Jack again.Her Jack. Now all she needs to turn that second into forever. Jack takes Julia for coffee. Julia senses that something wrong and asks Julia about it. He tells her he remembered marrying Carly, and not just the events, but the feelings too, Julia thinks that Jack is getting ready to tell her they need to separate but instead he gets down on his knee and proposes to her. Julia says yes. Jack and Julia celebrate their engagement by making love. Lisa shows up with JJ and seeing the ring, congratulates them and offers to take JJ, who is excited it is for real, so they can continue to celebrate. Julia gets a call expecting it to be Lisa but it is "Brad" and he asks for Jack. Jack talks to the man and finds out he has a brother and mother in Montana. Brad asks Jack to come to Montana, because their mother is sick and wants to see him. Jack says he will be there right away and tells him he is bringing his new family. Brad objects, saying that he can't brings "those people" with him, covering by saying their mother is too sick for any other visitors. Brad tells Jack he will make the arrangements and hangs up. Jack tells Julia about the call and senses that something is fishy and tells her is going to go ask the person who will tell him the truth about his mother and brother. Julia, assuming that Carly had something to do with Brad, goes to Carly's for answers. As she knocks on the door Carly is headed out with a suitcase. "Going somewhere," Julia asks seeing the suitcase in Carly's hand. Carly is confused at first but realizes she has the suitcase and explains it away that she is taking clothes to the homeless shelter. Julia tells her Brad called her room and Carly says that she is not surprised because she gave him the number. Julia asks about Jack's mother and Carly explains that she is kind of weird and protective over her sons and that is probably why she doesn't want anyone else to go to Montana. Julia tells Carly that they need to find a way to get along and tells it it's a good thing she is doing, taking the clothes to the center. Holden,den is confused when Jack tells him that Brad said he and their mom were in Montana. Holden verifies that Jack does indeed have a brother named Brad and a mother. Jack goes back to the motel and tells Julia he needs to go to Montana. Julia expresses that she knows he needs to go and will miss him. She tells him that she went to see Carly, and Jack tells her that wasn't a good idea. Julia says that Carly pretty much said the same thing Holden told Jack. Jack warns Julia to stay away from Carly until the divorce is final. Jack calls Julia from the plane and tells her he will miss her and that she needs to think about where she wants to have the wedding. Julia says that Jack had said city hall and she was fine with that but Jack tells her that he just blurted that out. Jack tries to call his brother to let him know he will be landing but the number can't be reached. When Jack calls information they tell him they have no listing for Brad Snyder. The stewardess explains that a lot of people have cell phone and their numbers just aren't listed. Holden figures out that Carly is tricking Jack by getting him to go to Montana and goes to warn Julia. Julia tells Holden that she needs to call to Jack and warn him what Carly is up to because she could do harm to Jack by forcing him remember his past. Holden objects first and then decides to help Julia. At Carly's, Julia and Holden find Carly already gone and Holden uses his key to find the number where Carly can be reached. Holden tells Julia to call him, and Julia says that Carly won't answer the phone. She has to go there! Holden lets Julia go, and calls Jack and leaves a message on his voice mail to call him. Jack shows up at the barn and is shocked to see Carly in her wedding dress. Jack is angry that Carly tricked him again and Carly explains that she had to, it was her one last chance to save their marriage. As she repeats what they said during their wedding Jack gets confused and is about to walk out saying it's another trick. "You're my compass, Jack! My true north. I look at you and I know where to head," Carly shouts. "Home," Jack says as he turns around and looks at Carly. He sees flashes of his life with Carly and his memory returns. Jack rushes into Carly's arms. Julia tries to reach Jack from the plane but is unsuccessful. She tells the stewardess that she is bringing her husband home. As Jack is telling Carly how regrets how he treated her and how he almost gave up, he thinks of Julia. Carly assures him that she knows that he cares about Julia and JJ but what they had is nothing compared to what they had. "Have! What we have," Julia says as she walks in on their conversation. Julia accuses Carly of tricking Jack again and asks if Jack is OK. Jack tells Julia that he remembers who he is and his life. Julia acts happy and Carly is confused. Carly tries to tell Julia that Jack loves her again but Julia won't hear it. Jack tells Julia that he remembers what he felt for Carly before his car went off the bridge and that it has changed things, even though he said it wouldn't. Julia begins to cry as Jack tells her he is totally in love with Carly and he can't throw that away. When Julia asks what now, Jack says he just wants to go back to Milltown and see his kids, all three of them. They all decide that Jack and Julia will go tell JJ about him remembering his life, as Carly is preparing Parker for Jack return as well. When Jack and Julia go home, JJ is excited to see Jack. Julia tells JJ that something really great happened while they were gone and Jack says that he got his memory back and refers to JJ's previous comment about Patrick's memory loss from Sponge Bob. It just took Jack a little longer. JJ is disappointed when he realizes that Jack may return to his other family. Jack gives JJ a present from the airport. JJ is upset because he knows that Jack got his other kids presents too. Jack leaves to go see Parker and JJ asks whats going on. Julia is in tears as she is finding a way to talk to JJ. Julia tells JJ that Jack has remembered his old life and they are happy for him. JJ, still not understanding why mom is crying and Jack left, looks at Julia with unspoken questions. Julia tells him that also remembers loving his old family and that he went to go see them. Julia says that Jack needs some alone time with Parker and Carly and that he promised he'd be back. Jack ends up staying the night on Carly's sofa. Back at the motel, Holden shows up and asks Julia how things went in Montana. Julia tells him it depends on your perspective, that if you are Carly it was a huge success. Julia tells Holden Jack remembered everything but she liked the old Jack. The Jack that came home at night. Holden tells Julia that no matter what happened between her and Jack, that Jack keeps his promises, referring to JJ. Holden tries to make Julia realize that Jack only fell in love with her because he couldn't remember who he was. That there was always a chance he would remember and the love between he and Carly was undeniable. Holden tells Julia he doesn't want to leave her in such a mess and she assures him she's alright. Holden tells her to call if she needs anything. Jack shows up and Julia hugs him as he apologizes and explains he slept on the sofa. Julia asks where Jack will be staying, until he decides what to do next. He tells her he is going to be staying out at Emma's. Jack feels sorry for Julia and says he isn't sure what to say. Julia attacks him and begs him to say what he meant when he told her it wouldn't matter when he remembered or that he wouldn't abandon JJ. Jack asks if Julia is alright and she says she has to be for JJ. Lisa brings JJ back up from breakfast and Julia again tells JJ Jack needs time with his old family but he still loves him just as much. JJ overhears Jack telling Lisa it would be so much easier deciding who to choose if JJ wasn't in the picture. JJ mistakes that as he makes it harder for Jack to stay and runs away. Julia panic's when she can't find JJ anywhere. Jack, Julia and Carly hunt for JJ and find him on the bench in front of his school. JJ explains on why he ran away and both Julia and Jack assure JJ that wasn't what Jack meant. That it was because he loved him so much that made it hard to choose. JJ makes the comment of if he loves them so much why doesn't he come back. Julia tells JJ she wants to take him home and get him into bed. JJ doesn't want to leave without Jack, and with an approving nod from Carly, tells JJ he will take him home to tuck him in. Back at the motel, Jack gets JJ into bed with ease and Julia thanks him.  Jack says that he'd do anything for JJ and Julia nods. Carly calls and interrupts Jack. She tells him to take all the time he wants with JJ but that she would like him to come over afterwards. Julia pleads Jack not to leave right away and tells him how happy JJ would be if Jack was there when he woke up in the morning. Julia tries to seduce Jack but he pulls away when Carly comes into his mind. Julia tells Jack not to think. Don't think about the past or the future, because that is what he told her back in St.Gennivieves. Julia tells him that he also said they would be together forever. Jack tells her that's the same word inscribed on his wedding band. Julia tells Jack in an angry tone " That ring is at the bottom of a river a hundred miles from here." Almost as a warning. Jack says yes, but his wife and kids are here and Julia pulls away. After Jack leaves Julia gets Lisa to babysit as she heads over to Carly's. At the same time, Carly gets a sitter and heads over to Julia where Lisa tells her that Julia and Jack are out on a very romantic date and they probably won't be home at all that night. When Carly returns home she is shocked to find Julia on her porch and says she thought Jack was with her. Julia says the same thing. Julia finds Jack in a lounge and asks him if he's OK. Jack tells Julia he can't keep doing this and that he's made his mind up. Julia tries to encourage Jack to be with her, saying that what they have can make new memories, better ones than his and Carly's old ones. Julia tells Jack she and JJ trust him with their lives and promises not to do that, plead with undying devotion, anymore. Jack wants to kiss Julia and tells her he will be back later. As Jack is telling Lisa he can only take one day at a time, he is served with papers. When he opens them up he finds Carly's signed divorce papers and tells Lisa he has to go. Julia comes back downstairs to look for Jack and Lisa tells her he ran off after getting some papers. Jack had dropped one and left it behind and Julia sees it and picks it up. Julia gets excited and begins to celebrate seeing Carly's signature on the papers. Julia ponders why Carly signed the papers and Lisa tells her to never mind that, that she will keep JJ because they have some celebrating to do. Meanwhile, Jack is over at Carly's begging her not to give up. Jack tells Carly how he chooses her because it's always been her. Jack tears up the papers and Carly and Jack reunite by beginning to make love. Jack stops and says that he has to tell Julia before they can truthfully reconcile. Carly is frustrated that Jack is going to leave but tells him she knows he'll be back. Julia has the hotel room lit in candlelight and is dressed in a sexy nightie when Jack arrives. Jack tells Julia he has made his decision, tonight. He tells her that he wants to be with Carly. Julia asks why he wants to leave her for Carly and snaps at him when he mentions the look on JJ's face. Julia apologizes and promises to stop pushing if he'll wait to make a decision and Jack pulls away telling her it's already made. He loves Carly. He promises to be the best father to JJ and that maybe someday Parker and JJ can be friends. Julia makes a sarcastic comment that that is great because then JJ will always know what it's like to be second best. Julia asks Jack how does he know if he walks away now, that they couldn't have had something better than what he and Carly had. Jack tells her he doesn't regret the time they spent together and Julia tells him he should go because she can't do this anymore. Jack tries to comfort Julia but she tells him that if anything, she knows how to pick herself up after a fall. After Jack leaves, Julia throws her engagement ring across the room and screams "I hate you!" then breaks down crying. After realizing what she has done, Julia finds the ring on the floor and puts it back on her finger. A note is slipped under the door and Julia wonders what JJ has done now. JJ shows up at Jack and Carly's demands to see his dad. Jack comes downstairs and asks JJ how he got there and where is Julia. JJ tells him she is at home and he took a cab. Jack scolds JJ for taking a cab and JJ asks if he is mad. Jack tells JJ he is not mad but asks why he left the motel. JJ tells him how he stayed with Lisa overnight and that when he came home in the morning he heard Julia crying through the door and stayed out in the hall because he thought something bad happened. Carly suggests calling Julia and JJ snaps at her. Jack begins to call Julia and Carly makes a comment that JJ doesn't know Jack moved home and Jack tells her he doesn't want to tell him without Julia present. The doorbell rings and Julia walks in and demands to see JJ. Julia tells JJ he isn't supposed to leave without telling her and he tells her he called and no one answered so he left a note, but that it's OK because "Dad" said everything is going to be alight. Julia shoots Jack a nasty look.  Julia calls Lisa to let her know JJ is OK and Jack suggest he and JJ take a walk but Julia snaps an objection , that she wants her son with her and doesn't want to do this in front of Carly, who says she will head over to Emma's. Jack begins to break it to JJ that he and his mom are not going to be together anymore, But that he loves JJ very much, and love is a strong thing and no one can take it away. Julia cries as Jack tells JJ he has made the decision to stay with Carly, Parker and Sage. JJ gets angry and accuses of Jack going back on his word. Jack tells JJ he will build a tree house with him and Parker and JJ shouts he hates Parker. Jack tells JJ he understands he is hurt and angry and in time it will get better and tells JJ to go get some juice so he can talk to his mom. After JJ leaves Jack asks Julia how he can make it easier on JJ. Julia warns Jack that she doesn't want him filling his head with promises he won't keep and the hope of being a family. Julia asks why should either JJ or her believe anything he says again. Julia apologizes for attacking Jack and tells him JJ needs a stable home and that she plans on staying in Oakdale. Julia is in the hotel lounge when Lisa finds her and realizes something is wrong. Julia tells her how Jack chose Carly and that the divorce papers were a scam of Carly's to get Jack home. Lisa shows Julia the bill for staying at the hospital and Julia is shocked at the price. Lisa brings up sending them over to Jack but Julia objects saying she doesn't want to take anymore of Jack's money but she and JJ will have to move out immediately to somewhere cheaper. Lisa offers Julia free room and board. Julia thanks her for being there for her but turns her down because she doesn't want to take advantage of Lisa's friendship. Julia goes to Holden's hoping to ask if he knows of anywhere cheap she and JJ can go. A man leaving tells her to go on in and Julia walks in on Jack and Carly celebrating with Holden and Lily. Carly asks Julia in a sarcastic tone "What are you doing Julia, stalking us?" Julia apologizes for interrupting and explains she came to talk to Holden. Jack follows Julia as she tries to run out and Julia explains that she and JJ need to find a place because the motel is too expensive. Jack offers to pay the bill but Julia objects. Holden tells Jack that it is OK, he wants to talk to Julia alone because she came to talk to him. After Jack goes back inside Julia apologizes for ruining the party and Holden tells her not to worry about it. Julia asks Holden if he knows anywhere cheap that she can rent because the bill is too big at the hotel. Holden tells her he can help her look for a place and that he may know of some already. Julia thanks him and tells him again how good of a friend he has been and leaves. Holden goes inside and he and Jack put their heads together trying to figure out something for Julia. Jack thinks of something and tells Holden to warm up the car and then breaks the news to Lily and Carly that he and Holden will be leaving for a little bit and promises that if it works out everyone will be OK. As Jack is trying to convince Emma to let Julia and JJ stay out at the farm through the holidays, Holden finds Julia looking through the for rent ads back at the hotel. Holden tells Julia he and Jack have found a place for her. Julia is excited and asks where. Holden a bit unsure, tells her she will be staying out at the Snyder Farm. Julia objects saying that staying there will only cause more problems for everyone, but thanks Holden for the offer. She tells him she may be desperate but not crazy. Not yet. Holden convinces Julia that Emma and the farm are a perfect place for her and JJ, at least until something more permanent is found for them. Emma voices her opinion about Julia, saying it was wrong of her to try and keep him from Carly and his family and warns him this situation may not work out the way he wants. Holden brings Julia and JJ to the farm and Emma welcomes her with open arms. Holden tells Jack he needs to get back and suggests he be the one to tell Carly about Julia moving in with Emma. Jack takes JJ out for ice cream to explain how the living situation is going to be. Carly shows up at Emma's with presents and packages and finds Julia in the kitchen. Carly demands to know where Emma is and Juli asks what Carly is thinking, that she chopped her up in pieces and fed her to the cows. Julia tells her Emma went to the grocery store. Carly wants to know what Julia is doing there and if Emma knows she is there. "She welcomed me with open arms," Julia tells her and apologizes for breaking up Carly and Jack's celebration and says that she is minding her own business. This time Carly is the one who is intruding. Carly is offended by this and tells Julia Emma is family, her family, and the same family Julia tried keeping Jack from when she didn't want him to remember. Carly voices that for Julia to live there seems a little twisted. Julia warns for Carly not to mess this up for her and her son. Julia admits she made some mistakes but they are behind her now and all she wants to do is be left alone. Carly tells Julia to get her to leave her alone all she has to do is stop playing the victim and pack her bags and leave. Julia tells her that it is not her house to tell her to leave. Carly tells Julia that although Jack cares about JJ, he is not his biological child. He doesn't have Jack's blood running through his veins. Sage is the only child that can claim that. Julia warns Carly that is enough and tells her that is enough. She is done. Carly tries to stop Julia from walking away and Julia warns for her not to touch her. Carly tries to stop her again and Julia pushes her back and tells her again not to put her hands on her. Carly pushes Julia back and they begin a scratching and food fight. Holden walks in and breaks them up demanding to know what is going on. Julia asks Carly is she's lost her mind and explains that she asked Carly not to touch her but Carly kept doing it. Carly tells Holden it is not her fault if Julia can't have an "adult" and reasonable conversation. Julia goes on to re-hash all the mean things Carly said and apologizes for letting things get out of hand and says that when you have been abused by your husband you get a little freaked out when someone puts their hands on you. Carly looks disgusted and makes a sarcastic remark. Holden warns both of them to stop and asks what would have happened if Emma had walked in, or better yet, JJ. Julia answers that she told him this wouldn't work and Carly verbally agrees, saying whoever thought of this set up needs his head examined just as Jack walks in with JJ and claims it was him. JJ demands to know what Carly did to his mom. Julia tells him nothing and takes him to watch him up and put him in bed. Carly asks Jack he had the nerve to leave his celebration party to set up camp for Julia. " Do you think of me so little," she asks him. Jack says that they should talk outside and Holden tells him to go ahead and calm Carly down and he will talk to Julia. Carly tells Jack that she understands he thought this was the best solution but he couldn't be more wrong. Holden tells Julia everything will work out and that she doesn't have to leave. Julia thanks Holden for being such a good friend to her. Christmas Day Julia and Emma try to get JJ to open presents, who refuses because he's waiting for Jack. Julia calls Jack and tells him that JJ is really sad and wants him to come over. Instead, Jack sends Holden over for the time being. Holden and Luke offer to teach JJ how to ride one of the horses and JJ is excited.  JJ comes back with Luke and Holden very excited that he was able to ride the horse like a real cowboy and wants to open presents now. During Christmas dinner, JJ goes to sit on Holden's lap and when Jack shows up, pretends to be angry. After Jack tells him all his time is left for him, JJ rushes into Jack's arms. Jack calls Julia from a crime scene and asks her where she is. Julia says that she had some things to pick up at the Lakeview and that JJ is with her. Jack says that he is still going to pick up JJ but may be a little late because he's still working. Julia tells Jack not to let JJ down again and asks what she's supposed to tell JJ. Jack says that he'll be there, just give him a little time. Julia tells JJ his dad will be there, but late. JJ says he hates this, he hates sharing Jack and Julia tells him Jack isn't with his other family, he's working. Holden shows up at the Lakeview and brings JJ a Stetson hat. JJ is really excited and Julia thanks Holden for the hat. Holden Julia he has a confession to make. He saw Julia with JJ earlier and how upset JJ was that Jack wasn't there and wanted to cheer him up. Jack shows up and sees Julia and Holden sharing a tender moment.  Jack asks where JJ is and Julia says he's gone. Jack asks what she means and Julia reminds him about JJ's sleep over. Jack thanks Holden for his help and Julia adds in under her breath " Bailing us out again". Jack asks doesn't she mean bailing him out again. Julia says that's it's true, she can feel him pulling away from them, avoiding them like the plague. Jack and Julia start to argue and Holden says that he has to excuse himself. Julia thanks him for the hat and Holden leaves. Julia tells Jack about how excited "they" get to seeing him when he says he is going to be there and Jack asks doesn't she mean JJ. Julia says yes and gets defensive when Jack asks if she's sure this is about JJ. Julia says she knows it's over between them, but that's it's not easy for her seeing him with Carly and his family. Jack says that he didn't mean to hurt her. Jack leaves and Lisa invites Julia to celebrate the New Year's celebration but Julia says she's not in a party mood. a guy starts harassing Julia for a drink and Holden shows up and asks the guy if he is harassing his date. Julia thanks Holden from getting her out of a sticky situation and buys him a drink. Julia and Holden talk about family life and share some common ground when Julia talks about how lonely it is for her since Jack chose Carly. Julia is astonished that Holden can relate and asks how a happily married man could know exactly how she feels. Holden gets a call from Lily who says she'll be late. After he hangs up he tells Julia now it's his turn to buy her a drink. They shoot each other flirting looks as they toast to the new year.  Later, after Julia had though Holden left, she's sees him in the lobby with a lost look on his face. Julia asks what's wrong and after some pushing she gets it out of him that he has left Lily and will be going to stay at his mother's as well. Julia looks shocked and comments that she thought that he and Lily had a good marriage. Holden tells her things aren't always what they seem. Julia tries to comfort him by telling him about Les, and how even though he was a monster, it hurt when she left him because deep down inside she still loved the person she fell in love with. Holden says he can understand that. Julia is back at Emma's making Holden a pie when Carly comes in and points Julia in the direction of vanilla. Julia asks what Carly is doing there and Carly says she is there to help her. Julia doesn't believe her and asks how she plans to do that. Carly tells her that maybe she should leave town. Julia is upset that Carly would try to get Julia to leave town again. Carly leaves and Julia is beating on the pie dough when Holden comes in. Holden asks what the dough did to her and Julia tells him she justed wanted to make him a coming home pie. Holden tells her that he has learned from his mother that in order to get perfect pie crust, you have to be gentle. Julia and Holden are sharing a touching moment and Lily comes in and Julia accidental lets it slip that she and Holden spent the New Year hour together having drinks. Julia leaves so Holden and Lily can talk. Julia apologizes to Holden for adding to the stress of a separation by letting on to Lily that they were together on New Year's. Holden tells her he had made the decision to leave before he sat with Julia, Holden says it time for change and new beginnings. Julia kisses Holden and is shocked when she pulls back. Julia apologizes saying he has been a good friend to her and she doesn't want to wreck that. Jack calls wanting to talk to JJ again and Julia tells him he's in bed. After she hangs up with Jack, Julia apologizes to Holden for kissing him because she doesn't want him to think she's taking advantage of his situation. Julia gets a call from he Lakeview saying she has left some stuff there and needs to come pick it up. Holden offers to go get it for her but Julia says she can get it. At the Lakeview, there is no stuff but Lily wanting to talk to her. Lily says that she's there to help her. Julia asks how as Lily is pulling out her checkbook. Julia says Lily is unbelievable and figures out that Carly has had some input on what Lily is trying to do. Lily presses the matter more and asks Julia what will it be. Julia tells her $5,000,000. Lily tells Julia that this is a genuine offer and to take it seriously. Julia gives Lily a speech on how if she wants her to "relocate" and the rules of Oakdale are to stay away from Jack or Holden, this $5,000,000 is the price to pay. Lily says that that amount of money wouldn't repair all the damage she has done in Okadale. Julia tells Lily for her and Carly get used to her because she's not going to stop looking for love, and a father for JJ. Julia goes back to Emma's and throws her purse on the table not knowing Holden is at the sink. Holden asks where her stuff is and Julia fights back telling Holden about what Lily did but tells him it was a mistake instead. Lily is at Emma's talking to Holden about Luke. Julia walks win with groceries and comments to Lily that she doesn't waste any time to come over and tell Holden her version of what happened at the Lakeview. Lily tells Julia that she and Holden are talking about their son. Julia looks apologizes for bringing it up and Holden wants to know what they are talking about. Julia tells Holden about Lily bribing her to leave town.  Holden tells Lily he can't believe she has done that and Lily tells him she was disparate and now embarrassed about the whole situation. holden says that she has reduced whatever trust they had to a blank check. Lily brings up the fact that Julia asked for $5,000,000 and Julia tells Lily that she was seeing how far Lily would go and wasn't serious. Holden apologizes to Julia for Carly and Lily's scam and Julia says that if he were her husband she'd probably have done the same thing. Lily says that they should lay it all on the table and that if Julia had taken the money she "would pack her ONE bag and leave town". Julia says that unlike what Lily believes, she works for a living. Holden asks Lily to leave. Jack comes over and asks Julia if he can take JJ camping to make up for not seeing him on New Year's Eve. Holden agrees to take Luke and after a lot of hesitation, Holden manages to get Julia to agree. Holden tells Julia she should cut Jack some slack, trust him a little more. Julia tells Holden she trusts him and gives him a kiss before she leaves. Carly and Lily devise a scheme to get Julia kicked out of Emma's in hopes that with no place to stay, she'll leave town. At Emma's. Carly plans to plant the compass Jack gave her in Julia's room but that plan folds when Julia goes home early. Lily tries to object and then suggests to Julia to go out, get a cup of coffee or run and errand. Julia tells Lily she and Carly should leave. Carly plants the compass in Julia's purse. Emma comes in from the barn and stops the ladies from fighting. Julia tries to storm out but Carly pulls her purse out of her arms and the compass falls out. Julia accuses Carly of planting it there to get her kicked out. Emma asks Lily how the compass got in Julia's purse and Lily says she honestly doesn't know. Julia leaves upset and Emma warns Carly to stop harassing Julia.Carly tells Emma that Julia needs to go and Emma warns Carly not to push her. Julia arrives at the cabin where Holden and Jack and the boys are. Julia tells Holden and Jack about what happened back at the farm. Holden says that this needs to stop and he and Jack need to do something. Jack says he needs to talk to Carly and asks Julia to stay the night so JJ won't be disappointed when he wakes up and Jack's not there. Holden offers Julia some coffee but she says after the day she has had the beer looks pretty good. Julia and Holden chat and Holden tells he can see she's a good person. Julia says that when she gets back to town she's going to look for another place to live. Holden tells her it's not necessary and that Emma will know what the truth is. Holden tells Julia how he thought she was the person with no good intentions in mind with Jack had first brought her town but within time, and as he got to know her, he understood why Jack fell in love with her. Julia and Holden get close as they talk about being lonely and needing to be in someone's arms and they make love.  

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